
Meagan’s Panama sketchbook

Meagan’s Panama sketchbook

Meagan was recently on an extended stay in Panama. Before leaving she made a small sketchbook which she then filled with a visual travelogue. On returning, she scanned the pages of the sketchbook and posted them for all to see. The book tells a great story of rural life far off the grid and the people she lived with. Some of the pages are cut to the contour of the images, which then show layering of the three dimensional spaces in the picture.

Crabfu’s DIY iPad stylus

In response to Collin’s DIY iPad stylus video, I-Wei created his own version that’s even simpler to build, using a metal-tipped mechanical lead holder as the conductive barrel (and the same type of conducting foam for the nib). I love that he was able to repurpose his favorite (all-metal) lead holder that he hadn’t used […]

Collin’s Lab: DIY iPad Stylus

Collin’s Lab: DIY iPad Stylus

Fingertip input is great for most touchscreen usage like typing, web-browsing – all sorts of virtual button-pushing tasks. But for many people, drawing remains an activity best approached with a pen, pencil, brush, etc. With a bit of conductive foam and wire, it’s surprisingly easy to make your own conductive stylus, suitable for use with […]

Mind-melting Moleskine sketchery

Mind-melting Moleskine sketchery

I’ve always been a big fan of artist Jim Woodring, and I’ve been keeping Moleskine Cahier sketchbooks for the past four years. So, I was completely jazzed to see these pages from one of Jim’s Cahiers. [via Boing Boing] The Salt-Blarsted Moleskine In the Maker Shed: Pick up The Maker’s Notebook ($19.99) for all your […]

Drawing techniques for making

Drawing techniques for making

In engineering, fabricating, and all-around making, it is very useful to know basic drawing styles. This will help you get your ideas out of your head and onto that napkin, or into your notebook so that you can bring them into the world. Architects, planners, designers, engineers, and others use drawing to help communicate their […]