
Electronic stuff finder

Electronic stuff finder

MAKE contributor David Prochnow has a piece on PopSci DIY about making visible and audible object finders out of the receivers found in RadioShack ZipZaps micro RC cars and Atmel ATtiny13 chips. These electronic finder remotes always seem more trouble than they’re worth — technology that sounds good on paper… But your mileage may vary. […]

DIY Drawdio

DIY Drawdio

Drawdio on Veroboard from Dylski on Vimeo. Ladyada writes: dylski wanted to build a Drawdio, but didn’t want to pay/wait for international shipping. No problem, he just made his own out of parts kicking around his workbench and some stripboard/”veroboard”. The big insight for me here is the stripboard preplanning. Check out all the details, […]

Kris and Carly dress like cake!

Kris and Carly dress like cake!

[Photos by Lenore, EMS Labs] There’s a saying that I like, that I’ve used in several instances (such as in the intro to the Maker’s Notebook): “Keep modeling difference.” In cybernetics, difference is information (information is “news of difference”). Difference is change, difference is an antidote to stasis, difference is where learning takes place. Last […]

Maker Bundle #1: Parts for four bots

Maker Bundle #1: Parts for four bots

The Maker Shed has put together the first in a series of parts collections, called Maker Bundles. Maker Bundle #1 combines all of the electronic components to make four of the beginner-to-intermediate robot projects we’ve covered in MAKE magazine. For $20 off the cost of buying the parts separately, you get all of the components […]

Misc tool tips

Misc tool tips

I’m fascinated by “street tech,” by how people actually use tools and technologies in ways their designers never intended. I’m also fascinated by improvisation, of all kinds. As a result, I’m slightly obsessed with tool tips, those funky, ingenious, and “why didn’t I think of that?” ways that people use (and abuse) the tools in […]

Cigar box hacking lab

Cigar box hacking lab

I love this “cigar box lab” Brian posted on Hackszine. It was built by Raphael Abrams. Raphael explains: I like to hack on the go. So I made a charming little mini lab out of a cigar box and some electronic parts. It’s got a breadboard, a built-in Arduino, a couple of places to put […]