
MAKE presents: The Resistor

Simple, commonplace and absolutely vital to our electronic world – take a closer look at the current-fighting backbone of circuitry, the resistor! Download the m4v file or subscribe in iTunes The resistor really is a deep and rich topic to explore. There were a number of topics I would’ve liked to cover in this video, […]

Using the design process

Using the design process

In engineering, programming, web design and most other creative work, many people consciously use The Design Process. The PBS show Design Squad provides some great examples of how people can work with this system. There are also plenty of resources for working with students and other learners on their site. The Android G1 is pretty […]

Engineering resource site

Engineering resource site

While doing research on a Make: Books project, I came across this awesome site of engineering information covering materials, design, processes, engineering formulas and math, all sorts of delectable goodies. The site has the unfortunate name eFunda (I thought it was an online lender or something). It stands for “Engineering Fundamentals.” EFunda prides themselves on […]