Cramming CircuitPython Into Your Baby’s Toys

Cramming CircuitPython Into Your Baby’s Toys

What does any self respecting electronics wiz do when they have a house full of baby toys and the knowledge to build custom circuitry? Obviously you customize stuff to play better music. Adafruit has just shown some prototypes of their new “Toy Hacker” board. It has an esp32-s2 as it’s brain, which means it has […]

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This Tiny Orrery Fits In Your Hand And Has A Web Interface

This Tiny Orrery Fits In Your Hand And Has A Web Interface

I’m a fan of orreries. These little models of our planetary bodies and orbits are truly fascinating and have captured my mind ever since I saw the big mechanical one featured in the movie The Dark Crystal. Give me any orrery and I’m happy. Big mechanical ones, tiny electronic ones, I don’t care. The Illusionmanager […]

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Hacking Garbage Trucks to Bring Broadband to Those in Need

Hacking Garbage Trucks to Bring Broadband to Those in Need

What if cities collected real-time information that got services to the people who need them most? And what if they could do it faster AND cheaper?

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Meet ESP32, New Big Brother to IoT Board ESP8266

Meet ESP32, New Big Brother to IoT Board ESP8266

The hottest board over the last year has been ESP8266, and it’s possible Espressif may repeat that success with their new ESP32 board.

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