Felted Monarch Butterfly
Rad Megan sent us a link to her amazing felted Monarch butterfly with a very nice explanation about its origins.
Rad Megan sent us a link to her amazing felted Monarch butterfly with a very nice explanation about its origins.
Di Ellis is an Australian fiber artist who takes a new look at traditional garments. For example, the Soft Armour project re-imagines protective clothing.
Awful Library Books is a blog where Michigan public librarians Mary and Holly discuss outdated books that are getting pulled from the library shelves. One of their picks is Macrame Accessories, from 1977. I’m not sure the belt for shy hot pants wearer would really work as advertised.
Midwestern knitters, it’s that time again! The annual Knit Michigan is set for Saturday, Feb. 5, at the Academy of the Sacred Heart. There’s all sorts of classes and all-day knitting groups going on, so if you’re in the area, it’s a great way to support a great cause. Check out the web site for […]
Dr. Carol Ventura, professor of art at Tennessee Technological University, maintains a website that focuses on her research of traditional arts and crafts in The Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. She shares an extensive collection of crafts, each with its own set of process shots of the skilled craftspeople at work, with descriptions of each […]
Jennifer Muskopf represents animal interactions in plush. I like the above lion eating an elephant and the (shiny) baby naked mole rats. [via inspire me now]
Every year we, the editors and authors here on Craftzine, scour the interwebs for cool gift ideas, all with a crafty bent. Certain themes almost always make the gift guide schedule — sewing, crafts for kids, eco-crafting — but there aren’t enough days in the winter season to cover all our vast and varied interests. […]