Alt.GDC: Gaming from a Maker’s POV
MAKE goes to GDC to see what’s relevant to makers.
MAKE goes to GDC to see what’s relevant to makers.
Redditor Soonermandan’s first DIY project is this set of three wooden pedals which he built to use while playing Battlefield 3. No word yet if his project has given him a competitive advantage during gameplay.
Are the screens on your phone, computer, or TV just too small for your gaming needs? Enter Mobile Projection Unit, a group working in interactive urban projection mapping. They loaded up a van with everything needed to map out a playable video game against the facade of a building.
Redditor IntenseCircusFire made this excellent replica Donkey Kong arcade cabinet out of MDF wood. He used plans from and it took him about 30 hours to build. Along the way, he took tons of photos of the build process and he shares plenty of tips and equipment suggestions if you’d like to build your own. And since the computer inside the cabinet is running MAME, the free arcade machine emulator, his game selection is not limited only to Donkey Kong, despite the nice decal job.
Biomechanical engineer Robert Armiger and surgical roboticist Carol Reiley, both of Johns Hopkins University, created Air Guitar Hero as a fun rehabilitation exercise for people with amputations. The original version they made was a bit costly, but they wrote up a less expensive DIY version, and shared their build instructions with us on the pages […]
According to Guinness Book of World Records Gamer’s Edition 2012 the team of engineering students Benjamin Allen, Stephen van’t Hof, and Michel Verhulst from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have created the Worlds Largest Game Controller. Weighing in at 265 pounds, measuring 12ft X 5ft 3 in X 1ft 8 in, costing […]
Impressive “side project” from industrial designer Nick Santillan, whose modular Red Blue CNC machine we’ve covered here a couple times before. Nick writes: Most arcade sticks on the market…all look similar, more often looking like a box with buttons. I decided to make it more elegant that someone with a nice interior living room, a […]