
Mini Post-It Menger Sponge

Mini Post-It Menger Sponge

OK, so, it’s a level 3 approximation of a Menger Sponge, actually, incorporating 8,000 unit cubes, each of which starts as one-sixteenth of a “mini” size Post-It. Its creator, Nicholas Rougeux, likes Post-Its for this work because they “offer surprisingly [sic] structural durability and are easy to get in large quantities making them ideal for assembling structures like these.”

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One-Zipper Unfoldings of 3D Shapes

One-Zipper Unfoldings of 3D Shapes

Besides making interesting intellectual problems, zipper unfoldings have many cool potential crafty applications as purses, bags, pillows, etc. With sufficiently rigid or reinforced fabric and the right shape, one might even make a zip-up chair, stool, table, or other furniture this way.

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The Batman Equation

The Batman Equation

Reportedly, the equation above plots as the figure below, which is…familiar from somewhere. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

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Scott’s Pentagonal Dragon Tiling on a Dodecahedron

Scott’s Pentagonal Dragon Tiling on a Dodecahedron

Each face of “DodecaHedron of Dragons II” by California artist Scott Van Note is identically patterned, hand-carved on a pentagonal tiling designed by Scott himself. I had the pleasure of meeting Scott at BAMF 2011, where he was helping out at the Explorable Microscopy booth. We started talking, and he handed me this amazing object. I caught up with him, after the Faire, and got him to answer a few questions about it.

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The Knot Zoo

The Knot Zoo

Old but very interesting resource from Canadian Robert Scharein, programmer of the software package KnotPlot. The knots are organized by the number of crossings, and can be clicked on to display rotatable 3D models. [via Maxwell’s Demon]

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Gyroid Magnetic Assembly Blocks

Gyroid Magnetic Assembly Blocks

A work-in-progress from Thingiverse user searchresults. Each block has twelve 3mm supermagnets installed around its six edges, their polarities alternating so they will click together.

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Prolific supermagnet sculptor’s prodigious portfolio

Prolific supermagnet sculptor’s prodigious portfolio

Programmer Dimitry Tishchenko builds geometric sculptures with supermagnets. Like, lots and lots of them. The eighty thumbnails on this page represent only about 10% of the shots in his frankly amazing Flickr set. [via Neatorama]

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