
To-Do This Weekend: Re-Make

To-Do This Weekend: Re-Make

Remember all those wonderful broken electronics ya’ll donated to the Alameda County Computer Resource Center (ACCRC) last weekend? Well, this weekend, they’re going to be resurrected. The ACCRC is holding a 24-hour event at which Makers will have access to all the piles of old equipment. The idea is to spend all night rebuilding, reworking, […]

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Paddle boat made of recycled materials

Paddle boat made of recycled materials

Spluch writes – Li Zhiyuan assembles a paddle boat made of recycled materials on the river at a park in Hefei, east China’s Anhui province, April 23, 2007. Li, the designer of the paddle boat, spent one and half months making the boat using trashed wood, bottles, cans and bicycles which cost him less than […]

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Can a 12 watt CFL bulb work in a 50 watt lamp?

Can a 12 watt CFL bulb work in a 50 watt lamp?

Scott sent this question in (Makers correct me if I’m wrong in my response and/or debate the merits of CFL, you know you want to!)… Hi Phillip – I thought you might be able to either answer this question or suggest someone (or somewhere) that could. I have had a hard time getting a straight […]

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Wendy Tremayne and Mikey Sklar: Green Pioneers (Video)

From Phil @ MAKE: Jay writes – Wendy Tremayne, best known for founding Swap-O-Rama-Rama [which will be at next month’s Maker Faire], and Mikey Sklar, who is geek famous for self implanting an RFID chip into his hand, are also green pioneers. Leaving New York City to settle in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, these […]

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Wendy Tremayne and Mikey Sklar: Green pioneers (video)

Wendy Tremayne and Mikey Sklar: Green pioneers (video)

Jay writes – Wendy Tremayne, best known for founding Swap-O-Rama-Rama, and Mikey Sklar, who is geek famous for self implanting an RFID chip into his hand, are also green pioneers. Leaving New York City to settle in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, these two decided to invest their retirement funds into creating Green Acre. Their […]

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