Home Entertainment

Tiny cocktail arcade build

MAKE subscriber Sam Seide (Oklahoma City, OK) makes these amazing cocktail arcade machines. Here’s his most impressive build to date, a two-player tiny cocktail arcade. Here he gives a pretty extensive tour of the build. Tiny Cocktail Arcade Auction More: Restoring a Pac-Man cocktail arcade machine

Tivo’s 30-second commercial skip easter egg

Tivo’s 30-second commercial skip easter egg

If you’ll recall, there was a lot of industry flap when DVRs were becoming available because of the effect that automatic pre-recording of programming would have on TV advertising. Automatic commercial-skipping features introduced the possibility that viewers could watch TV for the rest of their lives and never have to see another ad. ReplayTV, an early and promising competitor to Tivo, was basically destroyed by industry legal action over its automatic commercial-skipping feature. The fact that you have to fast-forward through commercials on your Tivo today, using that clunky pop-goes-the-weasel scan routine, is basically a concession to TV advertisers who would not abide a system that didn’t require you to at least watch the ads on fast-forward.

Ultimate D&D Room

Ultimate D&D Room

The Burntwire Brothers remodeled a room to house their collection of D&D paraphernalia as well as a place to hold game sessions. There are stained glass windows, faux dungeon walls, a metal portcullis, dragon statuettes and a rack of swords. As if the place needs more atmosphere, the Dungeon Master can control the room’s lighting, […]