how to

Meet Primitive Pete, or How Not to Use Your Tools

Meet Primitive Pete, or How Not to Use Your Tools

[youtube:] Do you know how a hammer works? Yes, probably, you do — it hasn’t changed much in millennia, and even less in the last 70 years. So this video, a promotional effort by Disney and General Motors from 1945, feels at first like an occasionally delightful, occasionally cringe-worthy (the only character is “Primitive Pete”) […]

School Us: We Want Your Tutorials

School Us: We Want Your Tutorials

Projects and how-to’s are the core of what we do at MAKE. Equally important are tutorials. Tutorials are a subset of projects. They are the skills, techniques, and know-how needed to complete a project. If you’ve got expertise on a subject and are willing to share a tutorial with MAKE readers, we want to hear from you.