
Bead Star Challenge

Calling all jewelry crafters! Beading Daily is hosting the Bead Star Challenge, rewarding the best and brightest bead jewelry designers from around the US and Canada with amazing prizes and the chance to appear in Interweave’s newest special magazine, Bead Star! Every project showcased in the magazine will be a winning design and the coveted […]

Periodic table rings

Periodic table rings

For the affluent lover-of-the-elemtents – consider these self-descriptive “periodic rings“. @ $6,500USD for the platinum version, one might enjoy the fact that any onlooker can tell what it’s made of. Hmm, seems there’s no “Al” version available – I declare a remake! Related: Making elemental earrings on the CNC mill Dynamic Periodic Table and MASSIVE […]

Shisha Embroidered RFID Tags

RFID tags are those tiny identifiers in your keyfobs, pets, and quickpay systems. I use them in various art projects and games where the idenfication of specific people is important, but often they come in ugly packages that are cumbersome to use. I started using these flat disc tags recently, and in order to incorporate […]