PopPet: Personality-Packed Robot Kit by 19 Year Old Maker
PopPet is a cute robot kit with changeable face plates so you can customize her the way you want. The kit is available through Kickstarter now.
PopPet is a cute robot kit with changeable face plates so you can customize her the way you want. The kit is available through Kickstarter now.
Amongst the announcements made today by President Obama at the White House Maker Faire is the creation of a new funding category for Makerspaces by the crowdfunding site Kickstarter.
Kickstarter simplifies their rules. For makers, that’s a good thing.
People have been predicting wearables would be the next big thing for about as long as I’ve been involved in technology, but this time they might be right.
Catch up with KickSat’s creators before their Monday launch.
How a Burning Man crew brought space to the Playa.
Setting the record straight on the history of Do-It-Yourself satellites.