Kids & Family

Daedalus Books

Daedalus Books

I like to give books as holiday presents, and I got some great deals through Daedalus Books this year. They carry mostly remaindered books at incredibly low prices, and they have new titles that are pretty heavily discounted. One of the books I got this year was Fun with Computer Electronics. It comes with a […]

HOW TO – Intricate Paper Snowflakes

Finally, some paper snowflake principles to live by! Instructables user CYNICALifornia shows how to make really gorgeous snowflakes look really easy. Maybe I’ll make some to for my snowless Arizona windows. When I was a kid I always wanted to know the “rules” for making successful paper snowflake designs. Share this tutorial with children you […]

Sustainable penguins

Sustainable penguins

Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo is in the process of building a new Humboldt penguin exhibit that conserves energy; they’re installing a natural filtration system, and they’re using geothermal energy to keep the pool at a penguin-pleasing temperature range of 50-60 degrees Farenheit. State-of-the-art engineering allows the new penguin exhibit to help us reduce our environmental […]

Catch a fallen star

Catch a fallen star

Kiteman has a very romantic Instructable on collecting real-life fallen stars – meteorites. In the Maker Shed: Find The Best of Instructables in the Maker Shed! has become one of the most popular magnets for makers and DIY enthusiasts of all stripes. Now, with more than 10,000 projects to choose from, the Instructables staff, […]