Kids & Family

Marine life videos from Gulf Specimen

Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory supplies aquariums and scientific institutions with living marine specimens (not to individuals, sorry). Their site has a lot of information on jellyfish, corals, starfish, all sorts of marine life. Look around for links to YouTube videos, like this one of an octopus egg hatching and an octopus opening a jar – […]

Halloween Snakes

Patti @ MAKE writes: Whatever you think about Martha Stewart, you have to admit she totally gets into Halloween. I like these snakes made from pipe insulation – they’re begging for a re-make! You could mod them with LEDs, wrap them around (and through) pumpkins, rig them to strike out at or drop onto your […]

Creepy Halloween snakes

Creepy Halloween snakes

Whatever you think about Martha Stewart, you have to admit she totally gets into Halloween. I like these snakes made from pipe insulation – they’re begging for a re-make! You could mod them with LEDs, wrap them around (and through) pumpkins, rig them to strike out at or drop onto your party guests – a […]