Wellesley College Engineering

Friday afternoon, I was vising my friend Amon Millner at Olin College. After finishing up, he invited me to go with him to the nearby Wellesley College and the Engineering Studio. Not knowing quite what to expect, but always interested in seeing hands-on learning spaces, I went along for the ride. What I saw took my breath away and left me speechless. It is still a bit mind boggling to consider what this lab has, and the amazing ideas that have come from it.

Lego Spaceship Alphabet

Lego Spaceship Alphabet

Kudos to Mark Anderson, who made this incredible Lego spaceship alphabet: I was looking to create some Lego spaceships, but ran into a brick wall when it came to design. I mean what hasn’t been done to death already?! So, to kick start my creativity, I decided to do a scpaceship based on each latter […]