Made On Earth — Hacker of Yesteryear
One day Jake von Slatt looked at a Western Electric Bell Model 500 rotary phone and saw its future as a 21st century mobile.
One day Jake von Slatt looked at a Western Electric Bell Model 500 rotary phone and saw its future as a 21st century mobile.
This collection of palm-sized boxes semi-autonomously “play together” by making sounds (and light) and then triggering adjacent blocks to follow.
While studying industrial design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Ken Schroeder created the world’s first automated dog-biscuit thrower.
If the salt air and crashing waves outside Duncan Laurie’s studio don’t ease your mind, the Purr Generator surely will.
John C. Muir decided to recreate a traditional California-Chinese shrimp junk from the ground up.
Races have been taking place atop Bernal Hill in San Francisco since the 1970s, but it’s not entirely clear what makes the event illegal.
Paul Loughridge’s hand-built, retro raygun models have the authentic menace of Star Wars and the wacky form factor of Men in Black.