
A Guide to Buying Your First Laser Cutter

A Guide to Buying Your First Laser Cutter

The hottest tool for Makers is powerful, versatile, and spendy — here’s what you need to know to get started with your first laser cutter.

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A RepRap Family Tree: Tracking the Printers That Started it All

A RepRap Family Tree: Tracking the Printers That Started it All

RepRap project is a symbiotic relationship: they would produce our goods at a low cost while we would provide the help they needed to reproduce themselves.

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6 Exotic Filaments You Should Try in Your 3D Printer

3D printing with standard plastics is amazing in its own right, but printing with alternative filaments is a step up to a new level.

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Glowforge’s Dan Shapiro Talks Startups, Laser Cutters, and Robot Turtles

Glowforge’s Dan Shapiro Talks Startups, Laser Cutters, and Robot Turtles

Dan Shapiro, CEO and co-founder of Glowforge, talks with us about the impact of the Maker movement.

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