maker education initiative

Maker Ed: Making Possibilities for Educators

Maker Ed: Making Possibilities for Educators

The Maker Education Initiative (Maker Ed) welcomed more than 100 educators to our first Making Possibilities Workshop, held Thursday, May 15 at Intel’s Santa Clara, Calif. Global Headquarters. In the spirit of making, we began the day with a full hour of tinkering and play. Attendees customized their badges, built and painted large cardboard creations, […]

Why Educators Love Maker Faire 2013

Teachers love Maker Faire because they see how much it means to engage their students as makers. For Teacher Appreciation Week, we want to salute educators who bring the Maker movement to kids in schools and in after-school programs. We believe making has the power to transform education and develop the potential of every child to create and innovate. Getting making into schools can be difficult so we’re particularly happy to applaud the efforts of pioneering educators who are leading the way. It’s important that these pioneers realize that they’re not alone.