How to make potato chip bag pencil cases
Eva sent in a photo set on how to make pencil cases from potato chip bags – Link.
Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth — a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the maker movement.
Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these people come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and to share what they have learned.
Explore below to see the best of Maker Faire, and head to for more information.
Eva sent in a photo set on how to make pencil cases from potato chip bags – Link.
Maker Faire has a wiki for those who are in need of wiki-ing… Link. We also have a CrowdVine social network (mostly for Makers, staff, volunteers, etc – but have a looky) – Link.
The creative, performative insanity of the Maker Faire spills into downtown San Francisco for a night of meeting up, hanging out, and sharing DIY music technology. Come by, meet people building and bending music hardware and programming sound software, toy with mobile game music, chat, and crunch some of the best fish & chips in […]
Phillip and I are up on rocketboom today chatting with Kenyatta Cheese about some of the things we’re looking forward to at Maker Faire. Check it out. – Link
Interested in getting behind the scenes at Maker Faire? We have an amazing array of Makers with us this year and are looking for voluteers on both days to help make sure things run smoothly. We need to hear from you today or tomorrow. Pictured above are two of our superstar volunteers from last year, […]
Surya Buchwald (aka Momo the Monster) will be running the Retinal Rumble at the VJ Kung Fu workbench at Maker Faire. The Retinal Rumble is like a rapping / topping contest, but with video clips instead of rhymes. Sign up by next Friday 5/18 to compete on Saturday. Link.
Power Tool Drag Races makes it Maker Faire debut this weekend. There will be blown big-block belt sanders, nitro-burning funny saws, wheel-standing weed wackers along with big-time announcers. Come join the fun by entering your own custom power-tool dragster. You need to register before the event to enter. Follow the “builder’s database” link at […]