
DIY science is the perfect way to use your creative skills and learn something new. With the right supplies, some determination, and a curious mind, you can create amazing experiments that open up a whole world of possibilities. At home-made laboratories or tech workshops, makers from all backgrounds can explore new ideas by finding ways to study their environment in novel ways – allowing them to make breathtaking discoveries!

DIY Space Exploration Takes Flight

DIY Space Exploration Takes Flight

I visited the Citizen Astronaut and Space Hacker Workshop in Silicon Valley this weekend, hosted by Hacker Dojo, to see what’s new and exciting in DIY space stuff. This much is clear after just the first day: If you haven’t explored it before, now is the time to start looking in to sending your experiments into the mesosphere (and beyond).

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Making The World’s Thinnest Watch

Making The World’s Thinnest Watch

Dave Vondle and Jerry O’Leary are making the world’s thinnest watch. I’ve enjoyed watching this project unfold from day 1. Actually, I’ve been watching this project unfold well before that. Dave was my summer intern in 2004. Working with smart, talented interns is always a joy, but every once in a while someone comes along who is truly gifted. I learned so much more from Dave that summer than he learned from me, and I continue to learn from. Dave moved on to IDEO after college, and was one of the people behind IDEO Labs. It was there that Dave honed his skills as a talented maker who skillfully combines engineering, design, and aesthetic to make some great new devices like this watch.

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U.S. Manufacturing: Cheaper and Greener?

U.S. Manufacturing: Cheaper and Greener?

Lean, or “just-in-time” manufacturing can save companies money. But can it help cool a warming planet? Elroy’s Rob Honeycutt says yes.

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Looking for Makers in San Francisco

Looking for Makers in San Francisco

I’m crossing the bridge to San Francisco tomorrow to meet with artist Phillip Ross, but I’m hoping to connect with another maker or two. Anyone got any ideas?

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Geek Field Trip Report! Smithsonian Office of Exhibits Central

Geek Field Trip Report! Smithsonian Office of Exhibits Central

“Uncle Beazley,” after his refresh at OEC Recently, I had the rare opportunity to visit the Smithsonian Institution’s Office of Exhibits Central (OEC) in Landover, MD. A friend of mine, Richard Gould, is an Exhibits Specialist there. I was thrilled to be invited. I went with well-known DC-area artist and über-geek, Alberto Gaitán. The large […]

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