
Steampunk Maker Faire wrap-up

Steampunk Maker Faire wrap-up

The steam mechanics, oilpunks, contraptors, neo-Victorians cosplayers, retro-futurists, post-apocalyptic Playa pirates, New Dandies, and electric cowboys were all out in force at this year’s Bay Area Maker Faire. There was the Victorian castle on wheels, the steam-powered runabout, the steam-effects scooter, the fire-spewing bar with vaudeville side-stage, the radio-tubed Theremin, and the outdoor Victorian sitting […]

More on the Maker’s Notebook

More on the Maker’s Notebook

People have been asking for more details about the Maker’s Notebook. It hasn’t been officially released yet and is not yet available in the Maker Shed (our new online store), so all will be revealed after we’ve recovered from the most amazing Maker Faire to date. In the meantime, here are a few more pics […]

Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich at Maker Faire

Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich at Maker Faire

“Pandimensional importer/exporter” Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich will be showing off some of her otherworldly wares in the Contraptors’ Lounge at the Maker Faire next weekend. When not winking in and out of the spacetime continuum, Molly fashions really cool wearable art/jewelry and retro-futuristic gadgetry and sells them via Dangerous Detritus. [Photo of Molly by Libby Bulloff, […]

Two shows at Arizona State University

Two shows at Arizona State University

Next Tuesday there will be two events at ASU which should be interesting to us maker-folks. One is the exhibition from the Vizproto class, which is about 3D visualization and rapid prototyping in an arts context. Projects range from robot chassis to RFID tags embedded in acorns (above photo) and used in interactive installations to […]

Stanford Cool Products Expo

Stanford Cool Products Expo

At first glance, Stanford’s Cool Products Expo looked like a regular college career fair. That is, until I saw the solar-powered car, tilting trike, Tesla car and BMW’s hydrogen car parked on the lawn. Inside the packed hall, instead of suits touting companies there were dozens of, well, cool products. They ranged from a design […]