
Bathsheba sculptures

Bathsheba sculptures

We’ve covered Bathsheba Grossman’s amazing 3D/geometric artwork in our book Makers, Maker Faire and here on MAKE so it was a delight to see her latest works are now being sold in Edmund Scientifics. Congrats Bathsheba! Related: Astronomy star and science crystals at Scientifics – Link. Make Podcast: Bathsheba Grossman’s geometric art – Link. Maker […]

Rob’s Tesla Coil

Rob’s Tesla Coil

My buddy Rob built a Tesla Coil at Hackerbot Labs and he did an awesome write up of the process. My favorite part is his warning: Of course, fluorescent and neon bulbs will glow in the presence of a high voltage field, even without being directly struck by a streamer. One completely unsafe and idiotic […]

Metalab: Vienna Hacker Space

Metalab: Vienna Hacker Space

photo credit: NoИ After being in Berlin, I drove through the night to Vienna, Austria to go to the Metalab! Metalab is an awesome hacker space in Vienna. It’s located in the heart of the city, right near the parliament building. It’s a vital and active space and they have been intentional about setting it […]

Berlin Hacker Spaces

Berlin Hacker Spaces

I recently got back from the hackers on a plane trip to Defcon, Chaos Communications Camp, and a hacker space tour of Germany and Austria. I’ll be posting this week about some more hacker spaces, workshops and hackers! Berlin is filled with hackers! C-Base, CCC, and Esh are all popular hangouts. A long time ago, […]