The MakeShift Challenge: Bomb in a Parking Garage
Do you have what it takes to avoid being blown up by a subterranean car park bomb?
For the first five years of Make:, we ran a column called “MakeShift,” by Lee David Zlotoff, creator of the iconic TV show MacGyver. As with the show, where science and engineering improvisation were a central theme, each MakeShift installment presented a sticky situation — like a viral outbreak on a plane, how to communicate with the outside world during a high school lockdown, or surviving a zombie attack — and then challenged our readers to submit “makeshift” solutions. We were constantly blown away by the cleverness and intelligence of the responses. People really got into it.
In looking over these columns, we decided that we wanted to an online home as well to share with the Make: readership. In the columns and summary articles, Lee and Make: staffer Bill Lidwell (who edited the challenges) talked about a MacGyver-worthy measure of intelligence that they called MQ (for “MakeShift Quotient”). MQ is one’s ability to use knowledge of science and engineering, combined with some chewing gum and bailing wire, to fashion workable solutions to problems on the fly. We hope these columns will assist in increasing your MQ.
Do you have what it takes to avoid being blown up by a subterranean car park bomb?
The creator of MacGyver challenges you to use your skills to manage a mysterious outbreak on a passenger plane.
Lee Zlotoff, creator of MacGyver, challenges you to signal for help from an isolated laundry room while three burly men try to attack.
The creator of MacGyver challenges you to get your friend medical help from a wilderness fishing stream using a car with only three tires.
Decided to save some money on an tree guy and go DIY with it, did you? Now you’re impaled on a tree branch, with limited resources. What now?
It’s fire season during a drought and you suddenly realize that you have a dangerously hot electrical system in your new cabin. Can you prevent a potentially devastating fire?
The creator of MacGyver challenges you to retrieve your keys from the bottom of a 15-foot crevice in the desert.