Acquisition Ushers in New Era for Arduino; Banzi Named Chairman
Arduino announced an acquisition today that will merge and
Arduino announced an acquisition today that will merge and
The Arduino team and Arduino Holding need to show us that the Arduino Foundation has been formed as an independent and open organization. and have signed a settlement agreement that reconnects the two divisions into one group.
We sat down with Massimo Banzi and Riccardo Luna to talk about Rome’s past, and how the Maker Movement and Maker Faire are helping to shape its future.
Arduino and SeeedStudio have entered a manufacturing partnership to produce the new Genuino branded boards for China and other Asian markets.
Over the Memorial Day weekend the first Arduinos were to be made in the USA were hand built by Limor in the Adafruit offices in New York.
We talk to Atmel’s “Wizard of Make”, Bob Martin, about the Arduino Zero which will be available in the first week of June.