
How to Geotag

How to Geotag

geo.jpgHere’s a great step-by-step on using Firefox, Greasemonkey and Flickr to GeoTag your photos to use with Once you get the script installed, you browse to your Flickr image, add a new “geotag” and enter in a zip code. You’ll then use Google maps to locate a position and it saves the location data to the photo. Once that’s complete you can submit the image to Geobloggers. Link.

Most Popular Movies and Books on Social Networks

Most Popular Movies and Books on Social Networks

orcut.jpgHere’s a really cool way to make a list of movies and books that are most popular among the people who are connected to you at Google’s Orkut. The author describes how he used Perl to construct a list of movies and books that are cited most in the profiles of the people who are at a maximum distance of 2 from him on Orkut. Having such a tool handy offers an interesting way to discover popular movies and books. I wish all social networking sites had this and NetFlix queues. Link.

MAKE Extras: PC DVR and Magstripe Multi-Track

Two MAKE Extras published today– these are projects and updates that MAKE publishes online, for all to see, no dead trees. One is a recipe for a PC-based Digital Video Recorder (DVR) / media server / multi-console game machine that does everything except charge you every month. Link. The other Make Extra is an update to MAKE 01’s Magnetic Stripe Reader project, which shows you how to read the data off of stripes in any of the the three standard locations on a card. More power to you! Link.