Building a sound-activated camera flash using a Picture-Axe
Let’s Make Robots user Rob “renkku” Re is getting some pretty good results from his sound-activated camera flash system, called the Picture-Axe.
Let’s Make Robots user Rob “renkku” Re is getting some pretty good results from his sound-activated camera flash system, called the Picture-Axe.
Alan Parekh of Hacked Gadgets made this really nice looking gear clock using a PIC microcontroller, a scavenged stepper motor, and a bunch of wooden gears that he cut out on a CNC router.
Ben wrote in to share his latest labor of love, a homebrew VoIP-capable web server running on a… wait a minute, on a PIC?
MAKE subscriber Brian writes in to point out MemAxe, a Simon-like game made with an 8-pin PicAxe microcontroller.
Anonymous writes – I was real interested in music theory and how to computationally create something aurally pleasing. Though the square waves may not be aurally pleasing (for most), I was able to make a PIC-based organ that played random chord progressions. The resulting cardboard music box makes sings a pretty sweet tune – dig […]
Here is a great way to spy on people survey your surroundings. With Bluetooth integration, it is completely wireless and is controlled by a video game controller. The camera movement is very fast, but unfortunately the bot isn’t. Keep this in mind, since a fast escape after being detected is not going to happen. For […]