Quirky Crafts

How-To: Edible Books

I like reading, I like tiny things, and I definitely like food, so these edible books from Hungry Happenings caught my eye immediately. Between the silliness of snacking on teeny books and the fun of putting them together, I think these treats could definitely help soften the back-to-school blow! Head over to the site for […]

Stitching Concrete

I sometimes wish there was a category on this blog called “You Learn Something New Everyday” because that’s where I would put Stitching Concrete. I had never heard of Concrete Canvas, or Concrete Cloth, for that matter. Luckily, contemporist posted these whip stitched stools from Florian Schmid.

World’s Largest Stop-Motion Animation

World’s Largest Stop-Motion Animation

Adam Flaherty writes over on Make about Gulp – the world’s largest stop-motion animation. That image above represents an 11,000 square-foot set. The boat you see is large enough that it took eight people to carry and place it. And that’s a real person in the boat, not a clay figure. The whole set was […]

How-To: Space Invaders Woven Gift Topper

We posted a couple months back about Mini-eco’s woven gift topper, but here’s a really fun new Space Invaders version she’s done. What I love most about this project is that it’s a simple way to introduce yourself to the joys of weaving in patterns. Once you’ve mastered these aliens, think how many other images […]

Superhero Aprons

After all the years I’ve spent lobbying for someone to make superhero Underoos in grown-up sizes, I’m thrilled to see Bethany Sew-and-Sew’s line of spectacular superhero aprons. I do believe household chores would be no match for me in one of these babies.