
How-To: DIY TiVo IR Blaster

How-To: DIY TiVo IR Blaster

From the MAKE Flickr pool MightyOhm shares this uber-simple recipe for building an “IR blaster” which allows a TiVo recorder to control a cable box – The IR blaster that came with our TiVo was lost long ago, in a time when no unnecessary electrical-optical-electrical sillyness was required for it to function. Rather than spend […]

Gutter gardens

Gutter gardens

Patti at New World Geek sent us a link to this post showing a clever use of rain gutter as a wall-borne gardening system. The photo was taken by Suzanne Forsling. It’s her gutter gardens, on her house in Juneau, AK. She took the picture for an article she wrote in the Juneau Empire called […]

Home automation gear

Home automation gear

[Image from Smart Home USA] Want to get on the smart grid bandwagon without having to wait for the mature technology to be delivered by your utility? Here are some features you can add to your house now that will allow you to remotely control and schedule your energy use. If you can control the […]