
MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

Our featured image from the MAKE Flickr pool this week is from regular fdecomite, whose beautifully-made and -photographed geometrical sculptures appear here frequently. In fact, this is the second of his works featuring spherical-mirror anamorphosis to be featured in this space; the first was back in March 2011. Hats off to you, sir. Thanks for […]

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

Our featured image from the MAKE Flickr pool, this week, from Robert Birkenes, is a lovely work-in-progress shot showing off his build of Ross Orr’s Panoramic Pinhole Camera project from MAKE Vol 09.I’m also partial to Michael Jones’ shot of the wooden clockworks he’s building based on Clayton Boyer’s plans. Oh, and that wooden spool […]

Best of MAKE: My Ten For 2011

Best of MAKE: My Ten For 2011

I took some free time over the break to review the stuff I covered last year and pick out about 50 personal faves. Then I went back through that list and produced this highly unscientific “Top 10” by bubble sort. Looking at it, now, I’ve learned some things about my own taste: 1) I like projects that do a lot with a little. 2) I like projects that…

MAKE Flickr Pool Holiday Roundup

MAKE Flickr Pool Holiday Roundup

It’s been two weeks since we last visited the MAKE Flickr pool, and the long break (together with a lot of free time for a lot of clever, creative people with a lot of great new toys) has left it fairly bursting with great shots—even moreso than usual, which is hard enough to do justice in just seven selections. As usual, I’m going to try to hit some of the best project photography in standalone posts during the week, so if you’re disappointed to see your fantastic Flickr submissions missing from those gathered below, please bear with me and stay tuned. And thanks, as always, for sending ’em along.

Best of MAKE: Toolsday 2011

Best of MAKE: Toolsday 2011

“Toolbox” has been a staple of MAKE magazine since Volume 01, back in February, ’05. We’ve done plenty of online tool reviews, too, since then, but somewhat informally, and it’s only this year that we decided to launch a regularly-scheduled, official online weekly tool review column. When we were gearing up, back in April…

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the land, all the makers were sawing and brazing and shaping by hand…And taking pictures, right? I know all your gift projects are classified TOP SECRET//SI-GAMMA 459-CANOE/TALENT KEYHOLE-LANTERN//NOFORN, but I hope you are remembering, nonetheless, to snap some tasty work-in-progress shots to go along with the inevitable proud trophy pics. And I trust that, the first week of the new year, the MAKE Flickr pool will be exploding with post-Festivus cheer. Not that we haven’t got some great eye-candy, right now…