
Rocket motor design software

Rocket motor design software

BurnSim ($39) is a solid rocket motor ballistic simulation program (Windows only) now in its third version. In a nutshell, input your motor, nozzle and propellant characteristics and BurnSim calculates the Kn (kilonewton) through the burn and predicts estimated chamber pressure and motor performance. Once your motor design is in BurnSim, you can tweak the […]

Capacitor spool phyllotaxis?

Capacitor spool phyllotaxis?

Lenore, of Evil Mad Scientist Labs, glimpses the pattern that connects in a spool of monolithic capacitors: These capacitors… exhibit the opposite spirals of phyllotaxis that are probably most familiar from the face of a sunflower. Who knew capacitors could be so lovely? Electronic Phyllotaxis

Solar pendulum

Solar pendulum

From the MAKE Flickr photo pool Flickr member Pocket-sized breadboarded a solar/magnetic pendulum as seen in the BEAM book – JunkBots, Bugbots, and Bots on Wheels The self-sufficiency of solar power can really up the fun-factor in these builds – Magnetic Pendulum on Flickr This site explains the project a bit more, and highlighting it’s […]

DIY planetarium projectors & museum

DIY planetarium projectors & museum

Planetarium makers do awesome work, even building “home-domes” for exhibition – The Home Planetarium Association welcomes all those who build small planetariums for home, school, museum, or other personal use. A quarterly newsletter is produced; This includes collecting toy planetaria, operating older or small professional units, or just fondly remembering childhood trips to planetariums around […]