
Another coat hanger walker

Another coat hanger walker

Here’s a one-motor coat hanger walker I spotted on Flickr. It uses the same single-motor hacked servo and BEAM bicore circuit as the Jerome Demer’s project I featured in my book, Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Building Robots, but the leg configuration is different than Jerome’s and my bots, and the center of gravity is shifted […]

Servo meter, anyone?

Todbot makes an interesting suggestion Analog meters are hard to use in hardened environments. If you’re showing data from digital sources, why not use a digitally-controlled analog meter? laser cut acrylic meter face & needle, tiny 25mmx12mm $3 servo, and arduino. – Servos as meters on Flickr MotorShield for Arduino Kit

HOW TO – Build a one-motor walker

I featured Jerome Demer’s ingenious little one-motor walker in my book Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Building Robots. I’ve been hoping he’d put up an Instructable and he finally has. This is a bit of a finicky mechanical build, but worth the effort. It uses a standard BEAM bicore circuit as its brain (via the 74HCT240 […]