Made in Baltimore: Marketing Your Makerspace
How will you reach the Makers in your local community to let them know about your Makerspace? Don’t forget marketing in your makerspace plans.
How will you reach the Makers in your local community to let them know about your Makerspace? Don’t forget marketing in your makerspace plans.
Thumbs up or thumbs down? This robotic arm skims social media to let you know if you’re viewed positively or negatively.
Whether you’re able to make it to Maker Faire Bay Area this weekend or not (and if you can’t, we sympathize), you can still participate. We’ll be all up in your social mediaz, so come along for the ride!
Outpourings of support for Ahmed Mohamed on social media today promptly followed the 14 year old’s arrest and suspension from school yesterday after the homemade digital clock he brought to class was mistaken for a bomb. As of 10 a.m. this morning, over 400,000 Tweets were found with the hashtag #IStandWithAhmed, with sentiments ranging from serious […]
Tweeted words paint an interactive sculpture in an idiosyncratic project by Syver Lauritzsen and Eirik Haugen Murvold.
Artist Colleen Merrill created these traditional needlework versions of social media that look at how these forms of communication affect our lives.