
Spelling Words with Rising Bubbles

Spelling Words with Rising Bubbles

Inspired by a Jeep’s falling water display, Matt Bell created an Arduino-based bubble display, which turns Jeep’s idea on its head. Matt’s latest version makes a few key improvements that help with the bubble size and steadies the speed at which the bubbles rise.

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Arduino Mod Lets Disabled Musicians Play Guitar

Arduino Mod Lets Disabled Musicians Play Guitar

Justin’s device, dubbed the Folkbox, has rows of buttons mounted beneath the neck of the guitar that play chords when depressed. The buttons are hooked up to solenoids that depress the proper strings, allowing the user to play a multitude of different chords.

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The New Music Box: Joe Sooch (video)

Joe Sooch designed and built the New Music Box, an automated musical instrument that blends old and new technology that produces percussive music through solenoids and a sequencer. At Maker Faire Bay Area 2011, the Music Box drummed rhythms, noise, and musical notes for passersby.

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Happy Valentine’s Day from Tellart’s Love Song Machine

Happy Valentine’s Day from Tellart’s Love Song Machine

The bells are played by a series of solenoids, which are controlled by an Arduino micro-controller. The notes that you submit are processed on our web servers and then sent to the Arduino, while we load up live video and audio so that you can watch your song play. If there are users ahead of you in line, the queuing system will let you know how long you’ve got before you can watch your song.

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