
Random music box

Anonymous writes – I was real interested in music theory and how to computationally create something aurally pleasing. Though the square waves may not be aurally pleasing (for most), I was able to make a PIC-based organ that played random chord progressions. The resulting cardboard music box makes sings a pretty sweet tune – dig […]

Urban soundscapes by altitude

Urban soundscapes by altitude

Chrisi writes in – The idea is to experience urban sounds at various heights in a variety of cities. As feet are detected on a step, the experience changes to simulate an increase in altitude. A pair of surround sound headphones, some proximity sensors, leds and Arduino make everything work. Being able to vary your […]

HOW TO – build the Noise Toy

HOW TO – build the Noise Toy

The Noise Toy kit by Loud Objects is an easy build that delivers some impressive bit-bleeping goodness. After some simple soldering, you’ve got an excellent little synth-noise generator that can double as a programmable experimenter’s board – great for those interested in microcontroller sound synthesis. Next week, we’ll go into more detail regarding such programming […]

Pre-Edison sound sample

Pre-Edison sound sample

Édouard-Léon Scott’s phonautograph recorded sound visually and apparently did so almost 20 years before Thomas Edison’s famous audio work – For more than a century, since he captured the spoken words “Mary had a little lamb” on a sheet of tinfoil, Thomas Edison has been considered the father of recorded sound. But researchers say they […]