
Genre-fiction generator

Genre-fiction generator

Dave Malki, who does the awesome Victorian-era webcomic Wondermark, has created a hysterical steampunky genre-fiction generator. Liam Cooke created an automated version of the chart. Here’s the story synopsis I got: The Psychopunks In a metaphorical Outer Rim world, a young milquetoast office drone stumbles across a time-traveling soldier which spurs him into conflict with […]

Etched-brass modular synth

Etched-brass modular synth

This supremely cool analog synth with a gorgeous etched-brass faceplace showed up on Steampunk Workshop, via the German synth site Synthesizer Database. The builder is Moritz Wolpert. Apparently, from the Google translation, all the knobs and handles were turned by hand on a lathe and the faceplace was hand-lettered, decorated and etched. The project took […]

Datamancer’s new blog

Datamancer’s new blog

Our pal Datamancer has a new blog up. He’s hoping to keep a regular digital diary of his projects. Given all of the cool stuff he’s always working on, let’s hope he keeps it up. Above are two picks from a hobby furnace he’s building, built around the Lionel’s Lab HobbyMelter kit. (Jake von Slatt […]