
Facilitating Gender Parity: One Engineering School’s Journey

Facilitating Gender Parity: One Engineering School’s Journey

Joseph Helble, dean of the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, talks diversity in engineering classes, and how to achieve it.

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Salvius: A Humanoid Robot Born from a Junkyard

Salvius: A Humanoid Robot Born from a Junkyard

These days you can find and buy your very own robot from any number of companies (ROBOTIS, KumoTek, Honda, etc.). However, they can cost in excess of $12,000 or more and typically rely on specialized software to function. Back when I was a kid, 20 years ago, my friends and I would try to build our own […]

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Blink Blink Makes Creative Circuits Designed by Girls, for Girls

Blink Blink Makes Creative Circuits Designed by Girls, for Girls

From ambitious entrepreneurs to casual meet-up participants, women are proactive about engaging with STEM and with other women in their field. Besides their shared affinity with science, tech, engineering, and math, they often find that they have another thing in common. Many of these women can recall a time when they walked into a classroom […]

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7 Maker Faire Exhibits Geared Towards Girls

Girls in STEM fields, whether they are students, hobbyists, or professionals, have probably already noticed that they exist in a male-dominated world. At best, this is a dismal reality that we can overturn. At worst, young girls will be discouraged from pursuing hobbies and careers in STEM fields because it’s perceived to be “for boys.” […]

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