
Downton Design T-Shirts

Downton Design T-Shirts

If, like me, you downright REFUSE to leave the world of Downton behind, then you will love animator Daisy Edward’s t-shirt designs on Red Bubble. Daisy creates the illustration herself and then through Red Bubble, they become t-shirts for us to wear dreaming of Downton. She also has a hilarious New Girl tee, but my heart belongs with the Granthams and Crawleys.

LED Strip T-shirt

LED Strip T-shirt

Jerry Isdale of Maui Makers created this LED strip t-shirt with waterproof LED strips and a programmable microcontroller and then wore it to teach a class in. According to Jerry, “adding other effects (like a beating heart, or other animations) is simple matter of programming.” [via adafruit]

How-To: Watermark Tee

Here’s a lovely resist-dye technique from Kari of Sweet Verbena, guest blogging at Ucreate. She used a readily-available gel glue to write and draw on plain tees, and then dunked them in dye. The glue prevents the dye from soaking in, creating a subtle pattern in white, and then it washes away completely. How pretty!

How-To: Make Your Own Sewing Pattern

We had lots of great response to Haley’s Tap Pants how-to, so you might also enjoy this excellent project from Katy at Sweet Verbena. She took a thrift-store T-shirt she liked the shape of, and without taking it apart, traced a complete sewing pattern. If you’ve ever felt intimidated by pattern-making, give this one a […]

Minimalist T-Shirt Baby/Kid Pants

Last week we made some super simple and comfy yoga pants from a castoff T-shirt. This week we’re utilizing the same materials because, well, we all know the abundance of T-shirts in this world is somewhat overwhelming, and while we may not be able to wear all the ones we have, we don’t necessarily just want to get rid of them. This week’s project is the minimalist baby/kid pants using an old favorite stripey tee of mine.