Find a Telescope Workshop to Watch the Skies DIY Style
The Telescope Makers’ Workshop is an informal gathering where you can learn how to grind and polish your own Newtonian telescope mirror.
The Telescope Makers’ Workshop is an informal gathering where you can learn how to grind and polish your own Newtonian telescope mirror.
Alex Pietrow customized a Nintendo Game Boy Advance’s camera so that it could take pictures of celestial objects.
The TED-VDU is the perfect upgrade for your PiKon telescope. It lets you interface with your telescope easily in the field.
High schooler Alex Patton made this affordable, DIY Dobsonian telescope.
We talked to Mark Wrigley about the PiKon telescope, a low-cost telescope kit using 3D printed components, and a Raspberry Pi Camera.
Guests of President Obama travel through time and space in the White House Astronomy Night tomorrow night, October 19.
Monitor the skies to spot asteroids and help save the Earth from annihilation by interplanetary projectiles.