
Braille Skateboarding Tests Autodesk’s 00 3D Printed Titanium Skate Trucks

Braille Skateboarding Tests Autodesk’s $1300 3D Printed Titanium Skate Trucks

In this collaboration between the popular Braille Skateboarding YouTube channel and Autodesk, Aaron Kyro and gang meet up with industrial designer Paul Sohi to test out a set of generatively designed, laser-sintered titanium skateboard trucks. The crew is wowed by the trucks’ diminished weight — said to be 45% lighter than normal skate trucks — […]

How-To:  Anodized titanium jump rings

How-To: Anodized titanium jump rings

Titanium is really cool for a lot of reasons, but this Instructable by, ah, “Thursday” highlights one in particular: It is incredibly easy to anodize, and produces really striking colors when anodized. So, you know, if you’re interested in anodizing this is an way to start experimenting. Thursday has stripped the anodizing process down to it’s absolute minimum here: small titanium bits, white vinegar, a stack of 9V batteries, and a counterelectrode. Now I want to see somebody use all those differently-colored rings to make a chain-mail photomosaic.

Solid titanium dead drop spike

Solid titanium dead drop spike

Brain Dereu of Hollow Spy Coins has done it again. As if the solid stainless steel version of their original aluminum dead drop spike I recently blogged about weren’t cool enough by itself, the Dereu family is now offering the same product machined in solid freaking titanium. Incredibly, they’re selling it for exactly the same price as the stainless steel version.

Homemade titanium?

Homemade titanium?

Using a mixture of titanium dioxide, drywall plaster, aluminium powder and ground fluorite, Theo Grey of PopSci.com was able to smelt his own titanium, via a thermite reaction. The results are not pretty, and you probably don’t want to try this at home, but hey, DIY titanium! Yet I was able to make titanium using […]