Toys and Games

NES Controller Interface for Etch A Sketch

YouTuber Alpinedelta32 created this simple but fun retro remix by combining a Nintendo Entertainment System controller with an Etch A Sketch. The drawing toy’s knobs are rotated by 12 volt stepper motors and they’re controlled with the d-pad of the NES controller. Behind the scenes he has an Arduino for motor control and a computer power supply to provide the 12 volts needed by the steppers. I’m guessing the next logical step is to rig the start button to flip the Etch A Sketch over and shake away the drawing.

Generative Construction Toy

Generative Construction Toy

Brown University Engineering and Visual Arts lecturer Ian Gonsher’s Generative Construction Toy is a set of snap together shapes that you can cut out on a laser cutter and use as building blocks to design and build compound three dimensional objects. It’s like an evolving desktop fab version of tinker toys or LEGO, but more organic. What’s most interesting about the GCT is that you are encouraged to modify and create your own shapes through an iterative process of design and play.

Top 10:  Prop Weapons

Top 10: Prop Weapons

I set out to write a generic “props” round-up, but quickly discovered that our props tag is pretty deep, and covers a wide range of subjects including haunt props and/or prop furniture, elaborate costumes, and display props. I narrowed my focus, then, to props a person might carry around as part of a costume, and found, even then, there was more cool stuff than I could fit into one roundup.