Video Making

Choosy Photographers Choose GIF

Is everyone having fun at Maker Camp?  Yesterday Jared Ficklin joined us, showing everyone how to make awesome animated GIFs.  In Jared’s words: “The GIF is an image format from the early days of the interweb that was designed to support animation by stringing together multiple images into one compressed format–kind of like stop-motion animation. […]

Paper Animation of Prometheus Trailer

Paper Animation of Prometheus Trailer

This obsessively faceted little gem made me smile so wide, I thought an alien lifeform was going to burst forth from my face! This shot-by-shot homage to the Prometheus trailer is done with 100% paper (and flashlights). It was directed, edited and paper-construction by Travis Betz (aka “The Receptionist” on YouTube). I guess people are […]

How-To: Low-Cost Gyroscopic Camera Stabilizer

How-To: Low-Cost Gyroscopic Camera Stabilizer

DIY physics guru David Prutchi coveted one of the expensive professional-grade gyroscopic camera stabilizers made by Kenyon Laboratories. “These devices,” he observes, “don’t seem to have changed much since Kenyon’s founder filed the following two patents in the 50′s: US2811042, US2570130.” Referencing those patents, David reverse-engineered the basic geometry of the Kenyon stabilizer using a pair of inexpensive precision gyroscopes from Glenn Turner of