Virtual Worlds

Fallout 3 replica weapons

Fallout 3 replica weapons

Ryan Palser, aka Flickr user citizensnips, built this impressive replica of the AER-9 laser rifle from Bethesda’s runaway hit RPG Fallout 3. He’s also got some work-in-progress shots of a replica A3-21 plasma rifle that is shaping up to be even more impressive. Nice work, Ryan–let us know when it’s finished! [via Propnomicon]

OpenCV for face detection on the iPhone

O’Reilly author Alasdair Allan (Learning iPhone Programming and the upcoming Programming iPhone Sensors) talked about using the OpenCV framework for face detection at OSCON in Portland, Oregon. In the video above, Mac Slocum interviews Alasdair from the expo floor of OSCON. For more information on Alasdair’s talk, check out his summary and slides.

Slurp: A digital eyedropper

Slurp: A digital eyedropper

Jamie Zigelbaum, a former student at MIT Media Lab, created a computer interface that takes the shape of an eyedropper. Slurp is tangible interface for manipulating abstract digital information as if it were water. Taking the form of an eyedropper, Slurp can extract (slurp up) and inject (squirt out) pointers to digital objects. We have […]