Knit Touchpad
Instructables user Pulsea made a trackpad device out of resistive fabric, and describes how it works very nicely. Via the Instructables newsletter.
Instructables user Pulsea made a trackpad device out of resistive fabric, and describes how it works very nicely. Via the Instructables newsletter.
Begging for a remake, ThinkGeek sells this drum kit shirt with actuators for each of the different drum sounds and a speaker right on the shirt. Via Buzzfeed.
This “Electromagnetic Field Destector Bracelet” will alert you of the EMF affected areas that you inhabit daily. It reminds me of a project that I worked on in 2002, so it’s nice to see the evolution of the device is getting smaller and more integrated into everyday clothing and accessories. The next step with this […]
Today on Boing Boing TV, Xeni talks with Star Simpson, the former MIT student who ran afoul of Logan Airport security when she wore a breadboard on her sweatshirt to the airport and was mistaken for a suicide bomber. I hate when that happens! Star Simpson’s first interview on the Boston airport LED sweatshirt scare.
TMT, is the new SMT… Mikest writes- “Thread Mountable Technology” I made a bunch of LED beads today after work. I found that a novel way to solder a large number of beads together at once is to use sticky tape and needles to hold the crimps and LEDs in place. Soldering one side first, […]
NYC electronic artist Rucyl Mills hacked an M-Audio USB MIDI controller into the fashionably wearable Elektro-07 music controller – I built the elektro-07 so I could control the sonic and visual parameters of my live performances without having to look deep into the eye of my laptop, hunched over in computer music stance. I’m still […]
This “Sema-Code Dress” by game-artist Marguerite Charmante (along with Wolfgeng Peter Schmiller) puts a typical QR code on the surface of the dress so that makes it possible to “scan” your potential dates before you ask them out. Not sure if this makes the most dating sense, but we still like the idea of integrating […]