Gaze In Awe at Pat’s Giant Pepper Grinder
Have you ever wondered how a giant, fully functional, pepper grinder is made? If the answer is yes, you’ll want to check out this video.
Have you ever wondered how a giant, fully functional, pepper grinder is made? If the answer is yes, you’ll want to check out this video.
Holding your work on your workbench can be a frustrating task, but this project should give you an extra pair of “helping hands” to work with.
Makerversity is a “pioneering community of Maker businesses” that’s growing out of both London and Amsterdam.
Who hasn’t seen Mythbusters and wanted to watch something blow up in slow motion? This husband and wife couldn’t resist the call and built a propane cannon.
Everybody loves secret stashes and hidey-holes. Keith Decent has an interesting new take on the old secret bookshelf stash.
This magnetic poster display is both portable enough to carry around and rugged enough to stay up after it’s set up.
John Hansen’s nautical door project is simply jaw dropping. Watch him explain how the whole thing is made of nothing but wood.