Electrical Tape

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse is based on the vision of a greenhouse that would not rely on any human adjustment while maintaining a perfect micro-climate for a particular crop being cultivated inside. In other words, ideally this greenhouse could be left for a year in any (reasonable) climate and the seeds that were meant to grow […]

Upgraded Indestructible LED Lanterns

Upgraded Indestructible LED Lanterns

The original LED lanterns were featured in MAKE: Magazine, issue 30. When I first saw the article, I thought that they could only be used once, as they would have to be glued shut. When I read it, I realized that they were sealed with tape, and could therefore be opened, but not before I […]

Custom LED Spiral Staircase Lighting

Custom LED Spiral Staircase Lighting

I needed a lighting solution for my spiral staircase. After looking at various options (such as direct lighting from above or below) I decided to create my own lighting using some cheap components and a bit of time. I’ll show how I designed and built my lighting rig. Hopefully I can help other people avoid […]

Pixelmusic 3000

Pixelmusic 3000

In 1976, Atari introduced Atari Video Music, a plugged-in music visualizer designed by Pong creator Bob Brown that bridged the yawning gap between consumers’ stereos and their TV sets. The quirky, psychedelic pixelation device never caught on, but watching it in action today (check it out on YouTube), one is taken back to another time, […]

Build a projBox Controller

Build a projBox Controller

The finished projBox controller provides physical inputs for your software in addition to the computer’s conventional keyboard and mouse. The combination of open-source enclosure schematics and the use of standard electronic components provides an infinitely customizable prototyping platform. The projBox is specifically designed to integrate with software written in Processing, the IDE that the Arduino’s […]

Circuit-Bend Your Casio SK Keyboard

Circuit-Bend Your Casio SK Keyboard

By Cristiana Yambo and Sebastian Boaz The easiest way to start circuit bending is “playing open circuits.” That’s where you open up an audio device and use your hands or alligator clips to mess with the board inside and see what it sounds like. But it’s almost as easy to permanently “bend” any suitable device […]