
Animatronic Rocking Chair Prop

Animatronic Rocking Chair Prop

There are quite a few resources online for using surplus windshield wiper motors in Halloween props to achieve animation. After seeing an example of a $400+ rocking chair prop I went into MAKE mode to see if I could recreate the prop myself for much less. This project will take you through the steps of […]

Hand-Woven Vest

Hand-Woven Vest

By Joan Sheridan Hoover and Becca Olsen The rhythm of weaving is soothing, and creating your own fabric is addictive. Weaving is easy (remember those potholder looms you used as a kid?) and you can do it with things you probably already have around the house. We raided our knitting stash for yarns and used […]

Looking Glass

Looking Glass

Originally created to decorate magnificent churches, stained glass windows have been around for at least 1,000 years. In modern times the materials and techniques for making stained glass have become much more accessible, making it a perfect hobby for those who enjoy designing and building. Stained glass windows are perfect for adding a bit of […]

Car-Battery Welding

Car-Battery Welding

Welding! Welding is a glorious, mystery-infused, thoroughly bad-ass way to stick things together. Welders move in their own cloud of mythos and danger – they are dirtier, tougher, and sexier than other kinds of makers, and the things they build are big and strong and hold our world together. Want to be a welder but […]

The “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun

The “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun

Torch lighters are handy, cheap, and easy to find. They come in a wide variety of shapes and styles, so there’s room for customizing to your personal taste. I normally modify mine with antique parts, but here I chose parts that you can get in most hardware and home stores. The finished raygun works well […]

Custom Roller Skates

Custom Roller Skates

So why would you want to make your own roller skates? Because you can! Imagine rolling into a rink and turning heads as skaters check out your original, cool-looking skates. Not only will your custom skates set you apart in terms of style, fit, and comfort, they’re also a great conversation piece with the irresistible […]