Jimmy DiResta, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

Latest from Jimmy DiResta

DiResta: Leather Sheath

DiResta: Leather Sheath


This week Jimmy experiments with creating a mold out of wood to form leather into a sheath fit to house...

DiResta: Maker Ring

DiResta: Maker Ring


This week, Jimmy DiResta stamps a quote from Willy Wonka into brass to create a cool ring.

DiResta: CNC Tool Tote

DiResta: CNC Tool Tote


The best way to learn is stop reading and just start making! Diresta shows us how he adapts an old...

DiResta: Key Hook

DiResta: Key Hook


In this week's episode of DiResta, Jimmy makes a simple row of hooks to store keys or wrenches.

DiResta: Shop Bins

DiResta: Shop Bins


In this episode of DiResta, Jimmy shares his latest organizational project in the form of stackable workshop bins.

DiResta: Police Mirror

DiResta: Police Mirror


In this episode, Jimmy Diresta takes some dumpster diving gold and makes a mirror that is truly New York.

DiResta: Whirlygig

DiResta: Whirlygig


In this episode of DiResta, Jimmy uses some scrap metal around his shop to fabricate a whirlygig.

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