Month: April 2005

UW College of Engineering Open House Photos

UW College of Engineering Open House Photos

uw.jpgHere’s my Flickr photo set from the April 23rd UW College of Engineering Open House. I think the most impressive project was the Self-Assembling Robots (Electrical Engineering Bldg. 359) — they demonstrated how a number of simple robots assemble themselves into larger structures. These robots were floating on an air hockey table and behave like biological organisms with a rule based system.

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DIY Hard Drive Cooling for 10 Cents

DIY Hard Drive Cooling for 10 Cents

cool.jpgSimple solution for hard drive cooling, and looks like it works better than many of the commercial solutions. For over a year now I have been able to achieve a 10 – 15 degree Celsius temperature drop on my hard drives simply by using a 10 cent bracket from a local hardware store. Ingredients: 1/2″ bracket, 80mm fan, 3.5″ hard drive. More here via /.

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The Skype Payphone Project

The Skype Payphone Project

skype.jpgIt could be interesting to mod old payphones to make Skype / VOIP calls.. deposit $0.25 and call anywhere in the world for 20 minutes. Or just pound in your user name and password t9 style and use your Skype minutes…maybe you put in $0.25 and it gives you a wifi SSID for 30 minutes to use. The payphone is iconic, I love the way they look. It’s sad they’re going away in a lot of places, but maybe there are more uses for them. Here’s the start of the Skype payphone project! As I hack it up, I’ll post the details.

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Make Fire with a Can of Coke and a Chocolate Bar

Make Fire with a Can of Coke and a Chocolate Bar

Cokecan1706.jpgKevin O says “Directions on how to make fire with just an old soda can and a chocolate bar.. Truly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. The short of it, chocolate is an abrasive, polishes convex bottom of can. The can acts a reflector, put tinder at focal point presto you have fire to roast hot dogs to. This trick is sure to amaze anyone when you’re out in the bush this summer”. More here. Quite handy!

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DIY Scratchophone

DIY Scratchophone

car.jpgThe Vinyl Killer is a toy car that plays records by driving around in circles with a built in speaker, the Scratchophone adds bigger speakers, more power and just looks darn cool. Here’s a shot of how it was constructed if you want to make your own. Via BoingBoing.

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Home Cancer Detector

Home Cancer Detector

diycancer.jpgWMMNA posted up about a Pohang University of Science and Technology invention- DIY home cancer and diabetes detector. “All you need is a few drops of blood and some simple knowledge of cancer and diabetes,” said Professor Yoo Jae-chun. “Just like operating a CD player, you push the button and wait for a result. But this is just for checking, not for treatment.

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Money Origami

Money Origami

sp11.jpgSome great examples of money origami. Folding paper money (or “money origami”) is my one true creative output. My best original designs include spiders, eyeglasses, sailboats, and framed portraits. I got started in high school when I learned how to make a ring out of a dollar bill. I generally make these items to leave as tips. I like the money spider the best.

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