You know you can’t resistor…
Nice felted resistor from MAKE Flickr photo pool member made_by_moxie.
Nice felted resistor from MAKE Flickr photo pool member made_by_moxie.
These cozy legwarmers look so appealing to me right now, what with L.A. temps dipping down to 40 in some areas. (I know, I know–shut up.) These were made by Craftster user River_horse, using a pattern from the Spring edition of Knitty.
Make: television debuts in 13 days. The online premiere of Make: television is January 3rd 2009, visit or iTunes to see the entire first episode! The broadcast premiere will follow shortly after depending on when your local Public Television station airs it. Episodes will be available: commercial free, on public television, DRM free and […]
Etsy’s How-Tuesday video series this week shows us how to make Cary Walker’s elegant holiday garland depicting holly leaves on a line.
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations @ Wired… A new MacGyver-esque cellphone hack could bring cheap, on-the-spot disease detection to even the most remote villages on the planet. Using only an LED, plastic light filter and some wires, scientists at UCLA have modded a cellphone into a portable blood tester […]
If you’re still looking for a great last-minute gift, how about a subscription to MAKE or a gift certificate for the Maker Shed? Better yet, how about a customized version of the gift card or gift certificate? I took one of the gift cards and the DIY Design Electronics Kit and made a sort of […]
(Image via Travelmuse) Mother Earth News has an introduction to blacksmithing here. Check it out; via the comments, here’s an introduction to building a forge out of a brake disc: Also check out purgatoryironworks 35+ other videos here!