Year: 2008

Gardening in shipping containers

Gardening in shipping containers

Image via Ecogeek Here’s a vertical farm that seems a bit more DIY-able than others, using shipping containers, for strong, cheap, stackable infrastructure. You can learn more about Organitech here. It’s not clear how production-ready they are, but this seems like an approach just begging for tinkering… Via Treehugger,)

Auto parts chess set

Auto parts chess set

Via Ecofriend: Old and broken down auto parts are nothing more than trash for some, but for people like Armando Ramírez they are no less than treasure. The artist transforms these objects into sleek, black and silver chess sets. The horses, pawns and everything that you see on a chess set. To complete the chessboaround […]

Take better digital photos

Take better digital photos

(Image via) The New York Times put out photography tips, and Lifehacker made them better. My favorite, from Lifehacker: Get a cheap, DIY lens hood or flash filter: A lens hood–like the kind you can print yourself–prevents glare, flare, and other light tricks beaming in from just around your lens edges. Similarly, a piece of […]